Sunday, October 27, 2013

Open Thread: Feel Free to Post Your Thoughts!

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1 comment:

  1. Hi There!
    There's been so many changes over a relatively short period of time, that it has been difficult to keep up. Here is where I think we are now:

    The agenda for Wed's (Nov 20) school board meeting was posted late Friday, and updated Sunday. The Growth Boundaries maps have changed. In the Nov 6th version, Wedgwood was in the JAMS attendance area. In the Nov 20th maps, Wedgwood is back at Eckstein, and the JAMS feeder schools are: John Rogers, Olympic Hills, Sacajawea, and Cedar Park (due to open as an attendance area school in 2017). Assignment would be by geo-split, at all grades (6-8). Current Eckstein students living within the JAMS attendance area (including Spectrum kids) would be assigned to JAMS.

    APP or no APP?
    There is no mention of APP in the Growth Boundaries BAR (Board Action Report). There is, however an amendment (currently listed as amendment #4), submitted by Directors Martin-Morris and DeBell, which would place all APP kids living within the Eckstein and JAMS attendance areas at JAMS. APP assignment to JAMS would be by geo-split, at grades 6-8. This is a large cohort. The projections given show JAMS maxing out by 2017-18. It is unclear how both the APP and JAMS GenEd/Spectrum/ELL/SpEd enrollment will be managed once the building reaches maximum capacity. I've heard rumors of APP kids being assigned elsewhere if that happens, but I don't know how this will be done (lottery? distance, etc..).

    What is truly troubling is that, with Wedgwood gone, there is not a Spectrum feeder school for JAMS. While there are kids working a grade level ahead, without a strong Spectrum school, it is questionable if there will be a large-enough cohort size for the scheduling of electives.

    Just a couple of days away from the vote, and still no clue as to who, exactly, will be assigned to JAMS. One thing is for sure, it doesn't seem like any of the decisions are being made based upon what is best for the educational support of all JAMS students.

    For the latest info, go to this webpage:

    it will take you to the board meeting agenda, and from there, click on whichever item you would like to view for that item's Board Action Report. Scroll down for attachments (maps, data, etc...).

    - KM


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